Gallery --2018-3-2 Austin Taiwanese Lantern Festival
奧斯丁台灣商會 (Austin Chapter of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce) 為慶祝2018年春節及元宵節, 于2018年03月02日 (週五)下午5:30 p.m. ~ 9:30 p.m.間, 舉行台商春節團拜與元宵燈節聯誼. 節目包括可口多樣晚餐, 精彩抽獎, 郭宇傑醫師聲樂獨唱台語歌曲, 元宵台灣打燈謎, 葛懷中律師的你必須知道的法律知識,奧斯丁健康局Dr. Philip Huang介紹奧斯丁市的健康的相關事項向與政策,與新年祈福等節目. 地點: Buffet Palace, 4608 West Gate Blvd, Austin, TX 78745, (512) 892-1800.
Austin Chapter of Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce (ACTCC) hosted 2018 Lunar New Year &Taiwanese Lantern Festival at Buffet Palace on Friday, March 02, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m. ~ 9:00 p.m. Program includes delicious buffet dinner, exciting gifts drawing, interesting and challenging Lantern festival riddles, Dr. Jack Kuo solo Taiwanese songs, attorney Ramey Ko addressing the differences between gift and loan between family members, and what you need to know when doing business, Austin City Health Department Acting Director and Medical Director Dr. Philip Huang talked about health matters and City's health policies.